Wednesday, September 17, 2008


On Thursday, September 18th, Sterling plays Manhattan Christian College in Manhattan KS. MCC is a member of the National Christian College Athletic Association or NCCAA (as compared to NAIA or NCAA). Last year they were 23-3 and won the NCAA National Championship. MCC was also NCCAA national champs in 2005.

This year, MCC has won 2 and lost 3, having defeated Colorado Christian University and Asbury College (KY) and lost to Mt. Vernon (OH) Nazarene, McPherson (KS) College of the KCAC and Mid-America Nazarene (KS).

I couldn't find any individual statistics are available for MCC for this season. They have scored 8 goals while giving up 12, and have been shutout twice while winning one shutout.

In 2005, Sterling beat MCC 1-0 in Sterling (a game I attended) and in 2006 Sterling won in Manhattan 3-2. Last year, MCC won in Sterling 3-2.

Here's a link to a map of MCC's soccer field and to the right is a map of the college's location (which appears to be across the street from Kansas State University.

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